The Prince's Study

I changed the tone of the room to be a colder, more studious place for the Prince and Professor to pop out more...
I tried to combine the yellow and the blue elements from the previous versions....but, still too much towards the blue tint... I went back to the original floor.
The floor is really dark now, and it makes the characters pop out, but it looks a bit dull now...
The transition of the Prince getting distracted to look outside his window for entertainment...musical lines and notes will animated from the right...
Dumbed down the extras...
A mini version of a Town's Square... I'm merely just collaging modified images over what I drew previously. :]
Draft 1...
...still too saturated...
The Finished Product...or something like this.
The Prince's reaction to the music. Oblivious to the sad and dreary crowds, he seems to rather enjoy the entertainment from the window as his Professor continues to lecture in the background...
Gave more opening to the room by spreading the windows apart, and dimmed the interior more...maybe a bit too much, but the focus IS on the Prince...
A shot where the camera pans from the bottom, up to see the Professor then pointing and shaking at the Prince (our POV). I would want the blue curtains in the background to be billowing softly, during all of this...
Never mind about the drapes. Just books everywhere, and a fixed perspective.

Sans changes to the color levels and saturation...

First shade pass... Yes, all of the outside shots from here until the final two scenes are in night mode.
Shading tuned; perspective fixed.
I tried to darken the edges of the frame to focus on the interior and mainly the Prince, as suggested by a fellow classmate to make it look like a vignette...but I'm sorry, I don't like it at all!
Moon Scene?
This is a medium-close-up shot of the Prince as he once again hears the melancholy sounds of the as same music from the beginning...
A modified version...wrong arm up, though?
The Prince then decides to sneak away into the night, leaving his room of material possessions...
The Prince then sneaks through the Castle, which is silhouetted against the night sky. Every window he passes thru will light up with the yellowish glow...
The Prince will be coming down the stairs, sneaking thru inside the castle walls instead of the previous silhouetted idea...
This is the next shot, the courtyard, cutting from the previous scene. The Prince will be coming down the stairs hurriedly...
The Prince's shoe stepping toward's the Castle's entrance to pass thru...
The Prince at the Castle's doors ready to push out into the world...
Lighting as the Prince is first opening the door.
I didn't shift the doors to open wider here, but that's supposed to happen as the lighting gets slightly "lighter," with the rays shifting slowly.

The Prince in the cold. [Draft 1]

Prince going down the Grand Staircase...

Tents changed to a run-down town. Perspective fixed.
Changed the dirt road to make it more like a "winding" road...

An old woman, coughing from the coldness of the night...

Small modifications...

The Prince is supposed to be in between the Old Woman's feet that are walking and stepping over the camera--I am planning on cel animating that cycle of walking.

The feet look a little too large here, so I may have to either make the road wider, or put in more leg...
We transition into the village that the Old Woman takes us into, and this time, the Prince steps from over the camera, into the scene, following the hunched figure into the rust-textured village.
Like the Old Woman's feet, the Prince feels like a giant here...I will be scaling down as he walks away from the camera, but maybe I should scale down and add even more of his legs?
Close-ups of the Prince start to zoom into his face as he reacts to what he sees in the village...
The second thing our Prince sees is a couple of children--siblings who are freezing even in the stiffle of a small fire...
Closer cuts to the Prince's face as he reacts to each of the people that he passes, feeling worse and worse...
Thirdly, the Prince sees a Mother and Child suffering in the bitterness of the village town...

This is the area that is in the background as the Prince comes out of his Castle. In front of the logs, which will have an animating fire (hand-drawn elements as well), there will also be other common folk that he will see for the first time (after the old woman)...

No more tents--took us out of the fantasy "time-period." Instead, a more run-down, texture-based village is seen...

A more built-up village, and a bigger Castle in the background. More glowing from the fire, and the common people he passed are subtly against the village walls...
Taller ruins, tunneling the Castle that is the only brighter, bluer thing in the far ground. Included poverty people, silhouetted by the flickering fires...
After blinking to digest what he has seen, our main character's eyes flash to what is ahead of him...lingering as ashes whiz by in front of his face...
We then zoom out of the Prince's tearing face... thorns surround him...feeling lost and isolated from his new knowledge...
...they surround him...
His eye twitches...
The Prince gets "cut" by the thorns...
His blood fades...
The Prince's POV as his finger bleeds Bleu Blood... [The thorns are moving in opposite directions...]
We see him stare at it in wonderment...because it is Blue...
The blood drop shifts the scene to a similar shot where the Prince becomes determined to fix his Kingdom...
The thorns fade and move off to the right as the town fades shortly after to the left, and the transition back to the Castle fades with the figure of the Prince...

Back at the Prince's Study from another angle. He is finally trying hard at learning about his Kingdom to make things better...

Close-up of the Prince finally getting crowned King...
Zoom out because it is a celebration of the people who are now well and not suffering...
A shot of the common people of whom the Prince visited on the street unintentionally that one fateful night...

Zoom in from the Castle windows from the beginning, entering the Study...

Version 2.